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Thursday, January 10, 2013

When It's OK To Say "No"

When It's OK To Say "No"
(Joyce Meyer - Promises for Your Everyday Life)

In Numbers 11, Moses gives us an example of what we can do when we're under stress. Talk about pressure, he was leading the Israelites through the wilderness on what should have been an eleven-day trip and instead ended up taking forty years!

The people were depressed and weeping over their situation. In verse 14, Moses tells God, "I am not able to carry all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me."

Like Moses, it's okay for us to say, "I've reached my limit." Yes, scripture says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13 NKJV), but that's really referring to times when we face various trials and situations that God will help us through.

It doesn't mean we should take on so many responsibilities that we completely burn out, like the woman who is raising five kids, works full-time, serves on the church board, etc.

Sometimes, it's all just too much...and it's okay to admit that. It's also okay to say "no" to some things so you can really enjoy life the way God intended.

Here's a newsflash: You and I don't have to be like everyone else or keep up with anyone else. God created some people to handle large amounts of work, but many people aren't made this way.

Each of us needs to be who God created us to be, and we don't have to apologize for it. We each need to individually find the balance of responsibility God has established for us to live in so we can enjoy our life, instead of making ourselves sick with an overload of stress and pressure.

When you reach your limit, go to God, just like Moses did. He will help you find a saner, healthier lifestyle.

(Did I give birth to them? Did I bring them into the world? Why did you tell me to carry them in my arms like a mother carries a nursing baby? How can I carry them to the land you swore to give their ancestors? 

Prayer Starter: God, sometimes it's hard for me to slow down and say no to more responsibility. Help me to live with the balance of responsibility You created for me, so I can live with Your peace and enjoy life.

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