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Sunday, March 28, 2010

GOD's Calling

I attended a sportsman's supper tonight at a local church. Of course they entertained us with some very nice displays, and a long time sportsman who has been saved spoke about hunting and becoming saved while he was a grown man.
They also fed us a wonderful supper and gave away a few door prizes. Two of my family members won a prize each. I however may have received the biggest prize of the evening.
The speaker for the evening talked about how he had video of two bucks fighting, and told us how he came about getting that video. Then, with man made calls duplicated the sounds of those two bucks fighting.
Without trying to describe the sounds, you can imagine the noises were intense and fierce as well. The speaker described the battle and duplicated the sounds to perfection. I can attest to this from all the hunting videos I have watched.
Now to the prize I received.
As he was talking about Jesus and his return being hailed at the sound of a trumpet, the speaker suggested that sound may be the sound of a bull elk. In case you did not know this, the bull elk makes a sound that can best be described as bugling. Bull elk do in fact bugle, not with a horn, but through their throat. If you have ever heard this sound it's amazing, and very loud.
Much like the burning bush we discussed in an earlier blog post, I have to wonder if the sounds of GOD's callings can be like the bull elk, and the whitetail deer.
The whitetail is in fact a shy, and quiet animal for most of it's life. Very few times do we get to hear a whitetail vocalize it's self and be able to describe the vocalization as anywhere near the term "loud".
Sometimes GOD has to be really vocal with us to get our attention. Another time it may just be a whisper, or a slow drizzling rain.
As soft as a cloud, and hard as a hammer.
Is GOD calling you today? Can the message get through? Will you listen to his calling?
Think about these things for a minute. Ask GOD if he has been calling to you, I would bet my life he has.
May GOD bless each of you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shout Out To Lesley

God continues to grace us with his love and guidance.

Thanks for being the first follower on our new blog Lesley. I promise we will not let you down.

GOD Bless each of you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

If I knew this would be last time I would see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the lord your soul to keep. If I knew it would be the last time I would see you walk out that door I’d hug you and kiss you and then ask you for one more. If I knew it would be the last time I heard your voice lifted in praise, I would video tape each action and word so I could play it back each day.
If I knew it would be the last time I could spare a minute or two, I would stop and say I love you, instead of assuming that you knew. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day, instead of saying we’ll have many more, I’ll just let this one slip away for surely there’s tomorrow to make this up and we’ll always have a second chance to make everything right.
We always think there will always be another day to say, I love you and certainly there’s time to say is there anything I can do?
But in case I might be wrong and today is all I get, I’d like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget that tomorrow is not promised to no one young or old alike, and today might be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight. So don’t wait for tomorrow, why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes you will surely regret that day that you didn’t take that extra time for a smile, a hug or kiss, And you were just too busy to grant what could have been their last wish.
So hold your loved one close today and whisper in their ear how much you love them and how you will always hold them dear, Take time to say, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, or its, ok. For if tomorrow never comes, you’ll have no regrets today.

This was showed to me and I just thought I would share it with everyone. It was posted in remembrance of Andy Bryan. It is a beautiful and very true poem.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

As the Easter season is upon us, we are reminded of the scriptures of the risen Christ. John 3:16 tells us that "GOD so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son", so that those among us who believe in the Christ can have eternal life.
Jesus told his disciples that he goes to prepare a place in his father's house for them to spend eternity. For his disciples will be the judges of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Is your future secure? Have you done all you can to make a place for Jesus in your heart? If not, there will be no place in Heaven for you, when you leave this life.
I pray that each of you that have not made a true decision to accept Jesus as your Saviour, and Lord, do so before it is too late. God loves each of us so much, that he sacrificed his own son, to become the final sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice.
Our sins are washed away. They are as if they never existed. Gone, are the worries and the guilt of past discretions.
Like the woman that was brought before the Lord. She was caught, in the act, of adultery. A crowd was with her accusers, all with  stones ready to condemn this woman.
Jesus was writing something in the dirt when they asked him what should they do. One pastor said Jesus was writing the sins of the accuser in the sand. When Jesus said let those among you without sin cast the first stone, the accuser saw his sins in the sand, Jesus stood up and took his foot and wiped them away, and after the crowd dispersed without casting a stone, he asked the woman "where are thine accusers?"  Jesus then told her to "go, and sin no more"
With the simple motion of his foot sliding across the sand, Jesus wiped the sins away of the accuser, and the woman.
With the selfless act of laying down his life for all humanity, he saved the world from sin!
Happy Easter, and GOD bless each of you.

Friday, March 5, 2010

This is such a beautiful song. I hope you all get a message from the wonderful mix of words in this masterpiece.

We never walk alone. We never walk unprotected. We do sometimes turn our back on what God intends for us. If there is any thing you take away from Merideth's song, my hope is that you know God truly loves each and every one of us.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

When Moses saw the burning bush, what inspired him to go on the mountain to get a closer look? Could it have been divine guidance, or merely Man's curios nature. How was it that he was the only person in all the world to see the bush?
How would you have reacted? Does God send us "burning bush" signals today? Have we become so insensitive to his wishes that we can't see them?
Theses questions and more beg to be answered.
I hope each of us has the ability to see the signals when God wants us to do something, or be somewhere.
We can witness firsthand the destruction of whole cities, in God's plan for the future of the world. If we read and believe Revelations, then we know the end is coming.
Are you ready? If not, why? All the signs are there. All the future has been told, and we have been informed since our youth, that this world is nothing more than a stopping place in our eternal lives. A proving ground if you will.
So, since the question has been asked, do you see the burning bush?

I pray to God that you all have.