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Saturday, October 6, 2012


Well, not a good week for us Tigers...even though I think it's always great to be an Auburn Tiger.  I just want to stress that there is always a bigger picture. Remember that if we are feeling upset, its probably nothing compared to what the players are feeling (despite what you think).

They have to get up tomorrow and go to church and practice- then go to class Monday.

Just a reminder there is a reason to pray for the guys; they are going to need it this week. Keep their needs in your hearts.

Most of yall know I teach high school. Our school team is winless on the season. We are 4 yrs out from playing for the state championship. A lot of things have happened since then, but my kiddos- they keep trying. I know its hard for them to come into school Monday morning. It's a big school in a small town- so football is the only game in town. People in the stands yell at them like they  are pro players instead of 15, 16 and 17 yr olds. It hurts my heart.

Lift your players up. Remember they are people. They sure have had a lot of things happen lately. Just keep praying for them. If you didn't get the message on twitter, here are the assignments this week:
KB- 41-60
Jonathan- 61-80
Mike 1-20
Sam 80 and above and the coaches
Me: 21-40

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